

We have designed acoustic pipe supports for isolating noise and vibration passing from the ducts to the surroundings. InfiniSpring®-spring offers extremely simple solution for supporting pipes and ducts flexibly using highly standardized SFS5377 pipe support components. For example, diesel generators can be installed into locations where the exhaust pipes must be isolated to fulfil environmental noise regulations and InfiniSpring®-springs can offer extremely simple solution for the acoustics.

Mostly exhaust pipes are installed using standardized pipe supports. Standardized pipe supports are rigid connections between the pipe and the surrounding. One typical pipe support product is SFS 5377 Pipe Slide. Below picture shows SFS 5377 Pipe Slide.

Figure 1. SFS 5377 Pipe Slide

New InfiniSpring® Pipe Slide utilizes standardized parts from SFS 5377 except that the vertical U-profiles (U50) have been simply replaced with weldable InfiniSpring®-springs. With InfiniSpring®-springs the pipe support allows resilient pipe installation. Resilient installation isolates structure borne noise passing from the pipes to the surroundings. Below picture shows InfiniSpring® Pipe Slide design.

Figure 2. InfiniSpring® Pipe Slide with InfiniSpring®-springs. Two InfiniSpring®-springs replace SFS 5377 U-profiles.

Presented InfiniSpring® Pipe Slide was designed for horizontal DN300 pipe with following technical specification:

  • Springs are manufactured from a 10 mm S650MC steel sheet
  • Dimensions match with SFS 5377 Pipe Slide and InfiniSpring® Pipe Slide can replace stiff SFS 5377 Pipe Slide
  • Durable up to 580⁰C (hot dip galvanized)
  • The spring shape reduces heat flow from the pipes to the surroundings
  • Allows pipe isolation similarly as standardized SFS 5377 Pipe Slide
  • Isolates structure borne noise from around 12-20 Hz upwards (Isolation frequency depends on the static load)
  • Vertical nominal load carrying capacity 400 kg (normal temperatures) *
  • Axial and transversal nominal load carrying capacity 160 kg (normal temperatures) *
  • Extreme overloads > 50 kN in all directions (does not fail and keeps parts attached)
  • In extreme events plastic deformations can be very high: springs can deform more than 500 mm before fracture

*For high temperatures please check the nominal load capacities from us.

In practice SFS 5377 Pipe Slide can be installed as a fixed support or as a sliding support. As exhaust gases are hot thermal expansion of the pipe needs to be considered in the design. To avoid high structural stress in the piping sliding supports and flexible bellows are used together with fixed supports. For the SFS 5377 Pipe Slide the L-profiles (L100x50x8) on the bottom side allow the pipe support to slide inside grooves. Alternatively SFS5377 Pipe Slide can used as fixed support by welding the L-profiles.

InfiniSpring Pipe Slide cannot be used as a fixed support as flexible springs cannot carry very high loads. Therefore we have also designed a new type of fixed pipe support, which carries very high longitudinal loads. The new pipe support provides fixed support in longitudinal direction but is flexible in all other directions. Below picture shows InfiniSpring® Pipe Support design.

Figure 3. InfiniSpring® Pipe Support (fixed support) with InfiniSpring®-springs.

It is easy to design InfiniSpring® Pipe Supports for different applications, and pipe sizes. InfiniSpring® Pipe Supports improve noise and vibration isolation. Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any pipe support needs. We are happy to design flexible pipe/duct support designs for any needs.

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